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阅读:103322 收藏:51044 时间:2024-09-10 作者:aordk30048投稿



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一般来说,查重时不会看中文文献,因为主流的查重软件主要是以英文文献为主要目标。主流的查重软件,如Turnitin,Ephorus,iThenticate,CrossCheck,都有专门的英文文献查重系统。这些系统可以搜索网络上的文献,并检查论文中的可能有抄袭的文字,以及引用的参考文献是否正确。因此,查重软件不会对中文文献进行查重,因为它们只能处理英文文献。 但是,如果作者愿意,他们可以使用其他方法来查重中文文献。例如,作者可以使用Google搜索引擎或其他搜索引擎,搜索相似的中文文献,以及检查文献中是否有抄袭的文字。另外,作者还可以使用软件来处理中文文献,例如DocChecker,这是一种专门用于检查中文文献的软件,可以检查文献中的可能有抄袭的文字。










Recent years he seen an increasing number of research papers that focus on the use of text similarity detection algorithms for detecting plagiari in academic papers. The aim of these algorithms is to automatically detect any similarities between documents that could indicate possible plagiari. This paper reviews the current state of the art in text similarity detection algorithms and their applications in detecting plagiari in academic papers.

The text similarity detection algorithm is a very powerful tool for detecting plagiari in academic papers. It is able to detect any similarities between documents, regardless of the size of the documents or the language used. The algorithm is able to detect any patterns that could indicate plagiari, such as copied text or paraphrasing. The algorithm is also able to detect any similarities between documents that are written in different languages.

The text similarity detection algorithm is used in a variety of ways to detect plagiari in academic papers. One of the most common methods is to compare the text of the paper to other papers in the same field. If there are any similarities between the two documents, then it is likely that the paper has been plagiarised. Another method is to compare the text of the paper to a database of previously published papers. If any similarities are found, then it is likely that the paper has been plagiarised.

The text similarity detection algorithm has also been used to detect plagiari in online articles. The algorithm is able to compare the text of the article to a database of other articles. If any similarities are found, then it is likely that the article has been plagiarised.

Overall, the text similarity detection algorithm is a powerful tool for detecting plagiari in academic papers. It is able to detect any similarities between documents, regardless of the size of the documents or the language used. The algorithm is also able to detect any similarities between documents that are written in different languages. The algorithm is used in a variety of ways to detect plagiari in academic papers, and it is a very effective tool for doing so.

